KWM News March 2025

TC Alfred

Marina staff spent many hours securing vessels and general areas of the Marina in preparation for possible tidal surge and gale force winds from TC Alfred. Fortunately, the path of the cyclone initially tracked further south and then weakened before eventually reaching the coast. This mitigated both possible wind and tidal surge damage to the Marina. 

Of course, Jessica Haven enjoys a favourable location from tempest however an identified reasonable risk has been the possibility of combined high tide and storm surge floating the Marina pontoons over the piles……this was the catastrophic cause of the Bundaberg River marina failing some years ago. It would probably take a tidal height of 2-metre above astronomical for this to happen. 

To prevent such an event, a simple device is in place which utilises the cyclone chains (stored inside the piles) and repurposed to lock down horizontal bearers which in turn prevent pontoons floating off the piles. Members can view diagrams and photos on the website. It could be argued that Kawana Waters Marina piles could be higher but that is a discussion for another day.

As staff tidied up vessels and prepared for gale force winds, it became apparent that some owners were relying on the Marina for such preparation. It must be noted, such preparation is entirely the owner/skipper’s responsibility…….the Marina cannot and does not take any responsibility for individual vessel damage in such circumstances.

The weather event has confirmed the adequacy of Marinas’ procedures but also identified some areas for improvement, notably promoting the accountability of vessel owners.

Effluent Discharge

There has been reports of some isolated incidences of discharge within the Marina. This is a critical area of responsibility and accountability that, if unchecked, places our Head Lease in jeopardy.   

The Board has revisited this matter drawing on legislation, Head Lease compliance, regulations and reviewing MOL Policy and the difficult problem of policing environmental demands. Please be assured that the Board has no tolerance of environmental breaches and has a policy of immediate expulsion on any such first breach.

MOL policy is a secondary censure and that an offender is primarily subject to environmental laws and regulations and the relevant authorities. As such, a breach not only incurs expulsion but also reporting to and cooperating with the authorities.

First Aid

Marina staff have attended and qualified for First Aid/CPR certification. Patrons are reminded on the Defibrillator facility located in the laundry.

Street Parking

The perennial problem of parking has been raised again, this time by neighboring residents.

Despite the combined car parks of Adelong Crescent and Orana Street providing ample spaces for Marina patrons, street parking has become a preferred option for some, along with other non-marina patrons. This is impacting nearby residents amenity and safety.

it will be obvious to observers that the corner between the two car parks can become ‘tight and dangerous’ with many close calls, especially with children from nearby residences. There has been an influx of younger families into the area and with limited footpath paving, children are at risk. 

The Marina is talking to Council on these matters with a view to rearranging parking and exploring other options.

The risk to children, combined with the ‘overflow’ street parking adjacent to resident driveways, is causing angst with residents. Members and patrons are urged to be considerate and utilize the designated carparks while we work with Council and residents to resolve concerns.

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