Entries by manager

KWM News August 2024

Trading ResultThe Board can report a cash surplus of $64,050 for the trading year 2023-24. This number will reduceafter taking into account non-trading items such as tax, depreciation and interest. The final surplus will becirculated with annual meeting information.The result is solid and reflects budget expectations. More importantly, this surplus builds our capitalbase for future […]

KWM  NEWS    July 2024

End Of Year Results The early version of the 2023-24 trading result was slightly above budget expectations. This result is indicative of excellent budget planning and management and should provide comfort to members that their Board and Management have a good grasp of the business and its impacts. 2024/25 Budget The production of the 2024/25 […]

KWM  NEWS    June 2024

Head Lease Renewal While the Head Lease is not due for renewal until 2038, the Board has a duty to all members in ensuring long range planning for that important event. The planning involves making sure no issues exist in Marina operations that conflict with any terms in the existing Agreements which may adversely impact […]